Extran I-K (Boundary Conditions)
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*     'I' data lines list the outfall junctions in Extran.

*           I1 - Outfalls without tide gates (1 line/outfall, 200 Max)

*           I2 - Outfalls with tide gates (1 line/outfall, 200 Max)

*         Note : for groups I1 and I2, enter junction name in single quotes

*                if the alphanumeric option is being used.


*                OUTFALL JUNCTION.


*     I1 line     :

*     JFREE       : Number/name of outfall junctions without tide gate

*                   (no back-flow restriction).

*     NBCF        : Type of boundary condition from the sequence of

*                   data group lines J1 - J4.  E.g., if NBCF = 2, use the

*                   boundary condition indicated by the second group of

*                   J1 - J4 lines.




I1   30083   1

I1   50024   1

I1   60024   1


*     I2 line     :

*     JGATE       : Number/name of outfall junctions with tide gate

*                   (back-flow restriction).

*     NBCG        : Type of boundary condition from the sequence of

*                   data group lines J1 - J4.





*      Boundary condition data are entered on the 'J' lines.

*          Note: Repeat sequence of data groups J1-J4 for up to 20

*                different boundary conditions.  Appearance in sequence

*                (e.g., first, second... etc..) determines the value for

*                NBCF and NBCG in data groups I1 and I2.


*     J1 line  :

*     NTIDE    : Boundary condition index.

*                = 1 No water surface at outfalls (elevated discharge).

*                    J2, J3 and J4 lines are not required.

*                = 2 Controlling water surface at outfall at a constant

*                    elevation A1 (group J2), ft [m].

*                = 3 Tide coefficients (group J2) provided by user.

*                = 4 Program will compute tide coefficients.

*                = 5 Stage-history of water surface elevations input

*                    by user.  Program uses linear interpolation

*                    between data points.  Times must cover entire 

*                    length of simulation.  

*                = 6 Stage-history of water surface elevations input by

*                    user on separate input file identified by NSCRAT(5).

*                    File is set up to allow one tide history to be used

*                    at more than one boundary location.  Each boundary

*                    must be specified using the I1 or I2 and J cards.

*                    Program checks that all boundary junctions appear

*                    in the data file.

*                    Only one type 6 boundary condition can be specified

*                    on the J1 lines

*                    Format of data file

*                     Line 1 -

*                              NTIDS - Number of locations with tides in

*                                      data file.

*                              NDUP  - Number of locations where the tidal

*                                      elevation at another boundary is

*                                      associated with a tide contained in

*                                      this file.

*                     Line 2 - JTIDS(1) JTIDS(2) JTIDS(3) up to JTIDS(NTIDS).

*                              SWMM-Extran junctions associated with each

*                              tidal record in the input file.

*                     Line 3 - Repeat line NDUP times.

*                              Do not use if NDUP equals 0.

*                              JDUP - ID of outfall junction

*                              JJTIDES - ID of corresponding outfall 

*                              junction contained in output file to use.

*                     Line 4 - One line for each observation.

*                              year

*                              month

*                              day

*                              hour - decimal hour

*                              elevation1, elevation2, elevation3 up 

*                                 to NTIDS




J1   1


*     J2 line   : Stage and/or Tidal Coefficients.

*                 Note : NOT REQUIRED (OMIT) IF NTIDE(I) = 1 OR

*                                            5 ON DATA GROUP J1.

*     A1        : First tide coefficient, ft [m].

*                 Constant elevation of NTIDE = 2 on line J1.

*                 (This value ignored for NTIDE = 4.  Use 0.0.)


*         Note, no further parameters required if NTIDE = 2.


*     W         : Tidal period, hours. Required only if NTIDE(I) = 3 or 4.

*                 Typical values for W are 12.5 and 25 hrs.  If NTIDE = 4,

*                 one (e.g., diurnal for W = 25 hrs) or two (e.g., semi-

*                 diurnal for W = 25 hrs) oscillations can be simulated,

*                 per tidal period.  

*                 W can be a multiple of the true tidal period if it is

*                 desired that the Fourier series approximate a longer

*                 time period without repeating.  E.g., if tidal period =

*                 25 hrs, stages will repeat every 25 hrs; if

*                 W = 50 hrs, stages will repeat every 50 hrs, etc.  


*                 Note : The next six fields are not required unless

*                        NTIDE(I) = 3 on line J1.  See equation 2-14

*                        for the definition of coefficients.

*     A2        : Second tide coefficient, ft [m].

*     A3        : Third tide coefficient, ft [m].

*     A4        : Fourth tide coefficient, ft [m].

*     A5        : Fifth tide coefficient, ft [m].

*     A6        : Sixth tide coefficient, ft [m].

*     A7        : Seventh tide coefficient, ft [m].


*   A1    W    A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7

*J2 798.0


*     J3 line   : Tidal/Stage Information if NTIDE = 4 or 5 on line J1.


*     KO        : Type of tidal input.

*                 = 0 Input is in the form of a time series of NI tidal

*                     heights.  This parameter is not used (value ignored)

*                     if NTIDE equals 5. 

*                 = 1 Input is in the form of the high and low water

*                     values found in the tide tables,

*                     (HHW, LLW, LHW and HLW).  NI must be 4, and the 4

*                     time-stage pairs must fall within the period, W.  

*                 = 2 Input time history of tidal values from separate input

*                     data file.  NI and DELTA are not used but values must

*                     be supplied.  Data are read from file associated with

*                     scratch file number 4.

*                     File is set up to allow one tide history to be used

*                     at more than one boundary location.  Each boundary

*                     must be specified using the I1 or I2 and J cards.

*                     Program checks that all boundary junctions appear

*                     in the data file.

*                     See J1 line for the data file format.


*     NI        : Number of information points.  Maximum = NTVAL.  See

*                 initial print-out for value set during compilation.  

*     NCHTID    : Tide information print control.

*                 = 0 Do not print information.

*                 = 1 Print information on tide coefficients

*                     or stage history.

*     DELTA     : Convergence criterion (default = 0.005 ft) for fitting

*                 the tidal function, ft [m].  Not required for NTIDE = 5.




*     J4 line   : Time and stage information if NTIDE = 4 or 5 on line J1.

*     TT        : Time of day, first information point, hours.

*                 (Increase hours past 24 if necessary.)

*     YY        : Tide/stage at time above, ft [m].

*                  Note: Enter 5 pairs of time and stage information per

*                        data line until NI points are listed.  Include

*                        group identifier on each line.




*      'K' data lines contain user input hydrograph information.

*                 Enter data only if NJSW > 0 on line B3.


*     K1 line   :

*     NINC      : Number of input junctions and flows per line on line K3.



K1  5


*     K2 line   : Hydrograph Junctions.

*     JSW       : First input junction number for line hydrograph, or

*                 junction name (enter in single quotes).

*                 Note : Enter NINC junctions per line until NJSW junctions

*                        are entered.  (Repeat the group identifier

*                        on each line.)


*      JSW1   JSW2   JSW3    etc.

K2     30001  30004  30007  50009 60009


*     K3 line   : User Input Hydrographs.

*     TEO       : Time from start of simulation, decimal hours.

*     QCARD(1)  : Flow rate for first input junction, JSW(1),

*                                           ft3/s [m3/s].

*                 Note : Enter TEO plus NJSW flows.  Enter TEO only on

*                        the first line of multiple ("wrapped around")

*                        lines.  Do not include group identifier K3 on

*                        lines that are "wrapped around."  Repeat the

*                        sequence for each TEO time.  Times do not have

*                        to be evenly spaced; linear interpolation is

*                        used to interpolate between entries.  The last

*                        K3 line will signal the end of the user

*                        hydrograph input.  The last TEO value should be

*                        > length or = length of simulation.






*   TEO  QCARD(1) QCARD(2) QCARD(3)    Single line entry.

K3  0.0   0.0     0.0      0.0  0.0  0.0

K3  5.0   15.0   18.0      9.0 2000.0 2000.0

K3 10.0   0.0     0.0      0.0  0.0  0.0

K3 99.0   0.0     0.0      0.0   0.0  0.0


*   End your input data set with a $ENDPROGRAM and a <CR> (carriage return)