Runoff I-M (Snow, Water Quality)
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*   Enter Subcatchment Snow Input Data on data groups I1 and I2 (if modeled).



*                Note: If ISNOW = 0, skip to group J1.

*                      If ISNOW = 1, read only group I1.

*                      If ISNOW = 2, read both groups I1 and I2, in pairs.


*        Order of subcatchments must be same as in group H1, and there

*   must be snow data group(s) for each H1 line.   All snow-depth related

*   parameters refer to depth of snow water equivalent (w.e.).


*                Note:  Variables with asterisks can be modified

*                       using the Default/Ratio option.


*       I1 Line    :

*      JK1         :  Subcatchment number or name.  Must correspond to NAMEW

*                     entered in Group H1.

*      SNN1        :  Fraction of impervious area with 100 percent

*                     snow cover (ISNOW = 1) or subject to areal

*                     depletion curve (ISNOW = 2).

*      SNCP(N)     :  Fraction of pervious area subject to 100 percent

*                     snow cover (ISNOW = 1).  N.R. if ISNOW = 2.

*      WSNOW(N,1)  :  Initial snow depth of impervious area that is

*                     normally snow covered, in. water equivalent

*                     [mm w.e.]

*      WSNOW(N,2)  :  Initial snow depth on pervious area,

*                     in. w.e. [mm w.e.].

*      FW(N,1)     :  Initial free water on snow covered impervious

*                     area, in. [mm].

*      FW(N,2)     :  Initial free water on snow covered pervious

*                     area, in. [mm].

*      DHMAX(N,1)* :  Melt coefficient (ISNOW = 1) or maximum melt

*                     coefficient, occurring on June 21 (ISNOW = 2)

*                     for snow covered impervious area,

*                     in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].

*      DHMAX(N,2)* :  Melt coefficient (ISNOW = 1) or maximum melt

*                     coefficient, occurring on June 21 (ISNOW = 2)

*                     for snow covered pervious area,

*                     in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].

*      TBASE(N,1)* :  Snow melt base temperature for snow covered

*                     impervious area, F [C].

*      TBASE N,2)* :  Snow melt base temperature for snow covered

*                     pervious area, F [C].


*     Enter Subcatchment Snow Input Data on data group I2 if ISNOW = 2.


*       I2 Line    :

*      JK2         :  Subcatchment number or name.  Must correspond to JK1

*                     on Line I1 and NAMEW in Group H1.

*      WSNOW(N,3)  :  Initial snow depth on impervious area that is

*                     normally bare, in. [mm].

*      FW(N,3)     :  Initial free water on impervious area that is

*                     normally bare, in. [mm].

*      DHMAX(N,3)* :  Maximum melt coefficient occurring on June 21,

*                     for snow on normally bare impervious area,

*                     in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].

*      TBASE(N,3)* :  Snow melt base temperature for normally bare

*                     impervious area, F [C].

*      DHMIN(N,1)* :  Minimum melt coefficient occurring on December 21

*                     for snow covered impervious area, in. w.e./hr-F

*                     [mm w.e./hr-C].

*      DHMIN(N,2)* :  Minimum melt coefficient occurring on December 21

*                     for snow covered pervious area, in. w.e./hr-F

*                     [mm w.e./hr-C].

*      DHMIN(N,3)* :  Minimum melt coefficient occurring on December 21

*                     for snow on normally bare impervious area,

*                     in. w.e./hr-F [mm w.e./hr-C].

*      SI(N,1)*    :  Snow depth above which there is 100 percent cover

*                     on snow covered impervious areas, in. [mm] w.e.

*      SI(N,2)*    :  Snow depth above which there is 100 percent cover

*                     on snow covered pervious areas, in. [mm] w.e.

*      WEPLOW(N)   :  Redistribution (plowing) depth on normally bare

*                     impervious area, in. [mm] w.e.  Snow above this

*                     depth redistributed according to fractions below.


*  Note:  Redistribution (plowing) fractions (see Figure 4-25).  Snow above

*         WEPLOW in. [mm] w.e. on normally bare impervious area will be

*         transferred to area(s) indicated below.  The five fractions should

*         sum to 1.0.


*      SFRAC(N,1)  :  Fraction transferred to snow covered impervious area.

*      SFRAC(N,2)  :  Fraction transferred to snow covered pervious area.

*      SFRAC(N,3)  :  Fraction transferred to snow covered pervious area

*                     in last catchment.

*      SFRAC(N,4)  :  Fraction transferred out of watershed.

*      SFRAC(N,5)  :  Fraction converted to immediate melt on

*                     normally bare impervious area.


*          IF KWALTY = 0 on data group B1 skip to data group M1.


*            Optional input of multiple land uses per subcatchment.


*            IMUL is a variable to trigger multiple land uses

*            per subcatchment.   Any value > 0 will cause the

*            model to use JLAND land uses per subcatchment.

*            CAUTION: IMUL > 0 requires input on L2 lines

*            for each subcatchment, even if JLAND = 1.

*            ALSO, if IMUL > 0 and JLAND > 1, read JLAND J3 lines

*            for each constituent.

*   IMUL

JJ     1


*             Enter General Quality Control on data group J1.


*       J1 Line    :

*      NQS         :  Number of quality constituents.  Maximum is controlled

*                     by parameter statement (MQUAL in TAPES.INC) but should generally 

*                     be limited to 20.  NQS must be one less than maximum  

*                     if erosion is simulated (IROS = 1).

*      JLAND       :  Number of land uses (Maximum controlled by NLU 

*                     parameter in TAPES.INC).

*      IROS        :  Erosion simulation parameter

*                     = 0, Erosion not simulated.

*                     = 1, Erosion of suspended solids simulated using

*                     the Universal Soil Loss Equation.  Parameters input

*                     in Group K1.  Output will be last quality constituent

*                     (i.e., constituent NQS+1).

*      IROSAD      :  Option to add erosion constituent to constituent

*                     number IROSAD.  E.g., if IROSAD = 3, erosion will

*                     be added to constituent 3 (perhaps suspended solids).

*                     No addition if IROSAD = 0.  N.R. if IROS = 0.

*      DRYDAY      :  Number of dry days prior to start of storm.

*      CBVOL       :  Average individual catchbasin storage volume, ft3 [m3].

*      DRYBSN      :  Dry days required to recharge catchbasin concentrations

*                     to initial values (CBFACT on group J3).  Must be > 0.

*      RAINIT      :  For erosion, highest average 30-minute rainfall

*                     intensity during the year (continuous SWMM) or during

*                     the storm (single event), in./hr [mm/hr].

*                     N.R. if IROS = 0.


*             The next three parameters are for modeling street sweeping.

*      KLNBGN and KLNEND are only used if the simulation is greater

*      than one month.


*      REFFDD      :  Street sweeping efficiency (removal)

*                     fraction) for "dust and dirt."

*      KLNBGN      :  Day of year on which street sweeping

*                     begins (e.g. March 1 = 60).

*      KLNEND      :  Day of year on which street sweeping

*                     stops (e.g. Nov. 30 = 334)



J1  4    2    1     0     5.00   2.0  1.00   0.30   0.50     0      0


*        Enter JLAND (from data group J1) Land Use data lines.  One line for

*    each land use.  Land use 1 will be that of first group, land use 2 will be

*    that of the second group etc.


*                Note:  Variables with asterisks can be modified

*                       using the Default/Ratio option.


*       J2 Line    :

*       LNAME(J)   :  Name of land use (8 character, max).

*       METHOD(J)  :  Buildup equation type for 'dust and dirt'(see text).

*                     = -2, New default values,

*                     = -1, New ratios,

*                     =  0, Power-linear,

*                     =  1, Exponential,

*                     =  2, Michaelis - Menten.

*      JACGUT(J)   :  Functional dependence of buildup parameters.

*                     = 0, Function of subcatchment gutter length,

*                     = 1, Function of subcatchment area,

*                     = 2, Constant.


*      Following are up to three buildup parameters. (See Table 4-16).


*      DDLIM(J)*   :  Limiting buildup quantity.

*      DDPOW(J)*   :  Power or exponent.

*      DDFACT(J)*  :  Coefficient.


*      Following are three street sweeping parameters.


*      CLFREQ(J)*  :  Cleaning interval, days.

*      AVSWP(J)*   :  Availability factor, fraction

*      DSLCL(J)*   :  Days since last cleaning, DSLCL <= CLFREQ



J2 'SINGLE'    0       0    1.E04   1.0    10.0     30.0   0.80  15.0

J2 'MULTPL'    0       1    5.E04   1.5    50.0      7.0   0.80   5.0


*        Enter data for quality constituent(s) on data group J3.  Repeat for

*   each constituent, total of NQS groups.  Constituent 1 will be that of the

*   first line, constituent 2 that of the second line, etc.


*        If IMUL > 0 (line JJ) and JLAND > 1, then read JLAND J3 lines for

*   each constituent.  I.e., read JLAND lines for constituent 1, followed by

*   JLAND lines for constituent 2, etc.  In this case, each constituent

*   can have different J3 parameters for each land use.  These different

*   parameters will be used on each land use fraction for each subcatchment,

*   as defined in data group L2.


*                Note:  Variables with asterisks can be modified

*                       using the Default/Ratio option.


*       J3 Line    :

*      PNAME(K)    :  Constituent name (8 characters, max).

*      PUNIT(K)    :  Constituent units (8 characters, max).

*      NDIM(K)     :  Type of units.

*                     = 0, mg/l

*                     = 1, "Other" per liter, e.g., MPN/L or ug/L

*                     = 2, Other concentration units, e.g., pH, JTU

*      KALC(K)     :  Type of buildup calculation.

*                     = 0, Buildup is fraction of "dust and dirt"

*                          for each land use.

*                     = 1, Power-linear constituent buildup

*                     = 2, Exponential constituent buildup

*                     = 3, Michaelis-Menten constituent buildup

*                     = 4, No buildup required (with KWASH = 1)

*      KWASH(K)    :  Type of washoff calculation

*                     = 0, Power-exponential

*                     = 1, Rating curve, no upper limit (see note, below)

*                     = 2, Rating curve, upper limit by buildup equation

*      KACGUT(K)   :  Functional dependence of buildup

*                     parameters.  N.R. for KALC = 0 or 4.

*                     = 0, Function of subcatchment gutter length

*                     = 1, Function of subcatchment area

*                     = 2, Constant

*      LINKUP(K)   :  Linkage to snowmelt. N.R. if ISNOW = 0 or KALC = 4.

*                     = 0, No linkage to snow parameters

*                     = 1, Constituent buildup during dry weather only when

*                     snow is present on impervious surface of subcatchment.


*      Following are up to five buildup parameters

*                 (see text and Tables 4-17, 4-18).


*      QFACT(1,K)* :  First buildup parameter, e.g., limit.

*      QFACT(2,K)* :  Second buildup parameter, e.g., power or exponent.

*      QFACT(3,K)* :  Third buildup parameter, e.g. coefficient.

*      QFACT(4,K)* :  Fourth buildup parameter, N.R. if KALC > 0

*                     or JLAND < 4.

*      QFACT(5,K)* :  Fifth buildup parameter, N.R., if KALC > 0

*                     or JLAND < 5.


*      Following are two washoff or rating curve parameters.


*      WASHPO(K)*  :  Power (exponent) for runoff rate.

*      RCOEF(K)*   :  Coefficient.


*      CBFACT(K)*  :  Initial catchbasin concentration.

*                      (units according to NDIM).

*      CONCRN(K)*  :  Concentration in precipitation.

*                     (units according to NDIM).

*      REFF(K)*    :  Street sweeping efficiency (removal fraction)

*                     for this constituent.


*   *** The following two parameters are required only when flow are

*       routed from one subcatchment to another or when it is desired

*       to simulate first-order decay in channel/pipes.  They may be 

*       omitted from the J3 line otherwise.  ***


*       Parameter REMOVE applies only to subcatchments 

*       receiving inflow from an upstream subcatchment.  It 

*       have no effect on other subcatchments.  See J7 line for

*       BMP removal in channel/pipes. 


*      REMOVE(K)*  :  Removal fraction for overland flow, e.g., BMP

*                     effectiveness, based on load.  REMOVE = 1 - 

*                     outflow load/inflow load.  May be a function of 

*                     land use if multiple J3 lines are entered for 

*                     different land uses.

*      QDECAY(K)*  :  First-order decay coefficient for this pollutant,

*                     1/day.  This is a constant for the pollutant 

*                     for all land uses.  If multiple J3 lines are 

*                     entered, QDECAY(K) will be taken from the FIRST 

*                     line entered for the pollutant.  QDECAY is also

*                     applied to channel/pipe pollutant routing, if 

*                     simulated.  Pollutants stored as surcharge will

*                     be decayed while in storage.  



* For rating curve, equation is: Load (mg/sec) = RCOEF*FLOW^WASHPO

* where FLOW is in cfs (METRIC=0) or cms (METRIC=1).  If WASHPO = 1,

* this equation can be used to get constant concentration = EMC,

* and RCOEF must include conversion coefficient of 28.316 L/ft3 or 1000 L/m3.

* Then RCOEF = EMC*conversion.  See example for TN, below.

* Another way to get a constant concentration is to set rainfall

* concentration to desired EMC and zero-out buildup-washoff parameters.

* Caution for constant concentration: dilution can result from inflows of

* I/I and groundwater (but both may be set to non-zero concentrations) and

* from initial water stored in channel/pipes.  Cannot set non-zero

* concentrations for latter.



* Land use 1:

J3 'TOT.SOL' 'MG/L'  0    2     0     0      0     900.0    2.0   0.0     0.0    0.0      2.0   1.5   100.0    2.0   0.7    0       0

* Land use 2:

J3 'TOT.SOL' 'MG/L'  0    0     0     1      0      1000.   200.  0.0     0.0    0.0      2.0   1.5   150.0    2.0   0.7

* Land use 1:

J3 '  BOD5 ' 'MG/L'  0    1     0     0      0      60.0    1.5   0.3     0.0    0.0      2.0   1.2   20.0     0.1   0.5    0      2.0

* Land use 2:

J3 '  BOD5 ' 'MG/L'  0    0     0     1      0       200.    70.  0.0     0.0    0.0      2.0   1.2   30.0     0.1   0.5

*Simulate Total-N by rating curve.  Want constant concentration = 25 mg/L.

*Use RCOEF = 25 mg/L * 28.316 L/ft3 = 707.9, and WASHPO = 1.0

* Land use 1:

J3 ' TOT-N ' 'MG/L'  0    4     1     0      0       0.0    0.0   0.0     0.0    0.0      1.0  707.9   0.0     0.0   0.0

* Land use 2:

J3 ' TOT-N ' 'MG/L'  0    4     1     0      0       0.0    0.0   0.0     0.0    0.0      1.0  707.9   0.0     0.0   0.0

* Use rating curve data from User's Manual Fig. 4-37(e).

* Slope ~log(11/2.7)/log(1/0.1) = 0.61 = WASHPO

* At flow = 0.1 cfs, load ~ 2.7 mg/L ==>, RCOEF = 2.7/[0.1^(1/0.61)] = 118

* Land use 1:

J3 'NO2+NO3' 'MG/L'  0    4     1     0      0       0.0    0.0   0.0     0.0    0.0      0.61   118.    0.0     0.0   0.0

* Land use 2:

J3 'NO2+NO3' 'MG/L'  0    4     1     0      0       0.0    0.0   0.0     0.0    0.0      0.61   118.    0.0     0.0   0.0


*      Enter data for fractional contributions from other constituents

*      on data group J4.  Repeat until all desired fractions are entered.


*       J4 Line    :

*   KTO            :  Number (from order in Group J3) of constituent to

*                     which fraction will be added.

*   KFROM          :  Number of constituent from which fraction is computed.

*   F1(KTO,KFROM)  :  Fraction of constituent KFROM to be added

*                     to constituent KTO.

*                     [Note, these fractions will be applied for all

*                     land use segments if multiple land use option

*                     is used.]


*    KTO KFROM    F1

J4     2     1  0.02


*   In data group J5, enter a constant groundwater concentration for every

*   water quality constituent.  Same units as NDIM in data group J3.


*    TS   BOD5  TN  NO2+NO3

J5   5.0  0.1  25.0   0.0

*Note, constant concentration of 25 mg/L will be maintained here, but

*concentration of NO2+NO3 will be diluted.


*   In data group J6, enter a constant infiltration/inflow concentration for

*   every water quality constituent.  Same units as NDIM in data group J3.

*   Required only if I/I option used (lines F3, F4, H5).  If omitted, I/I

*   is assumed to have zero concentrations.


*    TS   BOD5    TN  NO2+NO3

J6   50.0  0.05  25.0   0.0

*Note, constant concentration of 25 mg/L will be maintained here, but

*concentration of NO2+NO3 will be diluted.


*   Optional entry of BMP removal fraction for channel/pipes, for each

*   constituent, on J7 lines.


*       J7 Lines:

*   NGNAME         : Name of channel/pipe for which to enter removal 

*                    fractions (integer or alpha).

*           Removal fractions are based on loads.  

*           GREMOVE = 1 - outflow load/inflow load

*   GREMOVE(1)     : Removal fraction for first pollutant.

*   GREMOVE(2)     : Removal fraction for second pollutant.

*           Repeat for NQS pollutants on each line.


*      Supply J7 line only for desired channel/pipes.

*      Values are saved for each channel/pipe for each pollutant.

*      Values not entered for a channel/pipe = 0.0.



J7   20     0.2       0.0    0.0    0.0


*               Enter Erosion Data on data group K1.


*           If IROS = 0 on data group J1, skip to group L1.


*   Note:   Repeat group K1 ONLY for each subcatchment that is subject

*           to erosion computations.  The order of lines is arbitrary,

*           but a match must be found of subcatchment number/name with a

*           value of NAMEW used in group H1.


*                Note:  Variables with asterisks can be modified

*                       using the Default/Ratio option.


*       K1 Line    :

*      N=NAMEW     :  Subcatchment number or name matched with H1 line.

*      ERODAR*     :  Area of subcatchment subject to erosion, acres [ha].

*      ERLEN*      :  Flow distance in feet [meters] from point of

*                     origin of overland flow over erodible area to

*                     point at which runoff enters channel/pipe or inlet.

*      SOILF*      :  Soil factor 'K'.

*      CROPMF*     :  Cropping management factor 'C'.

*      CONTPF*     :  Control practice factor 'P'.




K1    100   30.0   300.0   0.43   1.0     1.0

K1    200    4.0   200.0   0.43   1.0     1.0

K1    300   20.0   300.0   0.33   1.0     1.0


*        Enter Subcatchment Surface Quality data on data group L1.


*             One line for each subcatchment is required.  The order

*      is arbitrary, but a match must be found for each subcatchment

*      number (NAMEW) used earlier in group H1.


*                Note:  Variables with asterisks can be modified

*                       using the Default/Ratio option.


*       L1 Line    :

*      N=NAMEW     :  Subcatchment number or name.

*      KL          :  Land use classification. 0 < KL < 5.  Numbers

*                     correspond to input sequence of Group J2.

*                     Note: default value for KL = 1.  If L2 lines are

*                     being used, still must enter a "representative"

*                     value for KL.  Fraction data on L2 line will

*                     over-ride value of KL.

*      BASINS(N)*  :  Number of catchbasins in subcatchment.

*      GQLEN(N)*   :  Total curb length within subcatchment hundreds

*                     of feet [km].  May not be required depending on

*                     method used to calculate constituent loadings

*                     (Groups J2 and J3).


*        The following initial constituent loading values may be input as an

*   alternative to computation of loadings via methods specified in groups

*   J2 and J3 (for initial conditions only).  For any non-zero values

*   read in, initial constituent loadings will be calculated simply by

*   multiplication of the value by the subcatchment area (or fractional area

*   if IMUL > 0 on line JJ).  (I.e., if a loading value is entered on

*   line L1, it will be apportioned over land uses with non-zero fractions.)

*   "Load" has units depending on value of NDIM (Group J3),

*   according to the following table:


*            NDIM           LOAD

*               0           pounds [kg]

*               1           10^6 x quantity, e.g. 10^6 MPN

*               2           10^6 x quantity x ft3,

*                               e.g. 10^6 pH-ft3.


*      PSHED(1,N)  :  Initial loading, first constituent,

*                     load/acre [load/ha].

*          .                  .

*      PSHED(10,N) :  Initial loading, tenth constituent,

*                     load/acre [load/ha].


*  Note, line L1 below illustrates use of slash to fill in any needed

*  remaining zeros automatically.


*    NAMEW  KL   BA     GQ  PSHED(1) PSHED(2)

L1    100    1  12.0   20.0   /


*      L2 line  :


*      If required, this line immediately follows each L1 line.

*      Enter land use fractions for subcatchment on previous L1 line.

*      Not required if IMUL = 0 on line JJ (or line JJ omitted).


*      If IMUL > 0, an L2 line must follow each L1 line, even if JLAND = 1.

*      The fractions on line L2 must total to exactly 1.0 (tolerance = 0.001).


*      These fractions (PLAND) are used to multiply the subcatchment area

*      or curb length for all buildup calculations, depending on

*      parameters JACGUT (line J2) and/or KACGUT (line J3).

*      Similarly, if initial loads are input on line L1, the

*      quantity/area values will be multiplied by the fraction area

*      for each land use.  Thus, the quantity/area values in line L1 cannot

*      differentiate between different land uses.

*      Throughout the simulation, separate buildup and washoff parameters

*      will be used for each land use fraction, as input in the multiple

*      J3 lines.

*      If catchbasin quality information is entered, the total catchbasin

*      load for a subcatchment is the sum over the number of land uses of:



*      Enter JLAND fractions.  Value 1 corresponds to land use 1, etc.


*      PLAND(1,N)  : Fraction of subcatchment N consisting of land use 1.

*      PLAND(2,N)  : Fraction of subcatchment N consisting of land use 2.

*       Etc.          Read JLAND values of PLAND.



*        Single    Multiple

*        PLAND1    PLAND2

L2        0.7       0.3


*  Additional L1/L2 lines.  Must enter L1/L2 pairs for each subcatchment.

L1    200    2  20.0   30.0   /

L2        0.2       0.8

L1    300    1   6.0   10.0   /

L2        1.0       0.0


*      Enter data for Channel/Inlet Print Control on data group M1.


*       M1 Line    :

*        NPRNT     :  Total number of channels/pipes/inlets for which

*                     non-zero flows (and concentrations) are

*                     to be printed (maximum = NG).

*        INTERV    :  Print Control.

*                     = 0, Print statistical summary only.

*                     = 1, Print every time step.

*                     = K, Print every K time steps.



M1     5     6


*             IF NPRNT = 0 on line M1 SKIP groups M2 and M3.


*            Enter Print Period information on data group M2.


*       M2 Line    :

*      NDET        :  Number of detailed printout periods.

*                     (Maximum of 10 periods.)


*  Note:  If NDET = 1 and STARTP(1) = 0 and STOPPR(1) = 0 then the

*            total simulation period will be printed as a default.


*      STARTP(1)   :  First starting printout date, year, month,

*                     day, e.g., October 2, 1949 = 19491002.

*                     If year is entered as 2 digits, program assumes 1900.

*      STOPPR(1)   :  First stopping printout date.

*           .                .

*      STARTP(NDET):  Last starting date.

*      STOPPR(NDET):  Last stopping date.



M2    1          0         0


*        Enter channel/inlet printout locations on data group M3.


*       M3 Line    :

*      IPRNT(1)    :  First channel/inlet numbers or name for which flows

*                     and concentrations are to be printed.

*           .                       .

*      IPRNT(NPRNT):  First channel/inlet numbers or name for which flows

*                     and concentrations are to be printed.


*   Note: INflows to channel/pipes are printed as the default option.  To

*   print the OUTflow from a channel/pipe, give the ID as a negative

*   number.  A channel/pipe may be listed with both a positive and negative

*   number.  The negative option is not available for alphanumeric labeling.


*  IPRNT(1) ...              IPRNT(NPRNT)

M3    1      2      3     20     30


*        Enter channel/pipe depth output locations on data group M4.

*        ****NOTE: M4 line is optional and may be omitted.****


*       M4 Line    :

*      MDEEP       :  Number of depth locations for printout (max = NG).

*      KDEEP(1)    :  First conduit selected.

*           .               .

*      KDEEP(MDEEP):  Last conduit selected.


*                     Select two conduits for depth printout

*   # of conduits     ...conduits

*           MDEEP     KDEEP(1)..KDEEP(2)

M4              2      1          2


*        Enter subcatchment output locations in data group M5.

*        ****NOTE: M5 line is optional and may be omitted.****


*        The only reason for using this output option is if flow

*        is directed from one subcatchment to another.  In this case, 

*        this group is the only way to obtain hydrograph/pollutograph

*        from the upstream subcatchment(s).  Otherwise, use M1-M3 lines

*        as usual to get inflow into inlet or channel/pipe.


*        Note: Values are printed at interval, INTERV, given on M1 line. 

*        Require M1 and M2 lines in order to use M5 line. 

*        Note, requires NSCRAT(9) for intermediate storage.  


*       M5 Line    :

*      MSUBC       :  Number of subcatchment locations for printout 

*                     (max = NW).

*      ISUBC(1)    :  First subcatchment selected.

*           .               .

*      ISUBC(MSUBC):  Last subcatchment selected.


*        MSUBC        ISUBC(1)        ISUBC(2)

M5    2      100             200


*               End your input data set with a $ENDPROGRAM.