Transport A-D
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*       Create title lines for the simulation.  There are two title lines

*       for the Transport Block.  Titles are enclosed in single quotes.


A1  ' Transport Simulation - example input file template'

A1  ' This example uses interface file generated by RUNOFF.DOC'


*       The 'B' lines are for control purposes.  The meaning of the

*       values listed on each line are as follows:


*        New optional input data line B0.  This line does not

*        have to be entered as part of the input data.


*       B0 Line       :

*         ISLOPE      : = 0 Default slope of ft/100 ft or m/ 100 m

*                           (i.e., percent) is used by the model on

*                           E1 lines.

*                       = 1 Input a slope of ft/ft or m/m on the E1 lines.

*         ITRAP       : = 0 Input a trapezoid side slope that is

*                           defined as vertical/horizontal. (Default).

*                       = 1 Input a trapezoid side slope that is

*                           defined as the horizontal/vertical.

*         IFLIP       : = 0 Default input of flow/pollutants on line R1:

*                           NINPUT lines of R1 are input per time entry.

*                       = 1 Input all NINPUT flow/pollutants on one

*                           R1 line as in EXTRAN.

*         INFLEW      : = 0 NNYN inflow hydrographs for printing DO NOT

*                           include upstream or dry weather inflow at a

*                           manhole.

*                           This is the default in the TRANSPORT Block.

*                       = 1 NNYN inflow hydrographs DO include upstream and

*                           dry weather inflow at a manhole.

*         IDETAIL     : = 0 No change in normal operation of TRANSPORT.

*                         1 TRANSPORT subdivides irregular section data into

*                           25 segments with equal cross sectional area to define

*                           area vs. depth, flow, and hydraulic radius relationships.

*                           Setting IDETAIL equal to 1 further subdivides the

*                           lowermost equal area segment into 25 equal area segments

*                           to improve flow routing and computation of depth and

*                           velocity for low flow conditions.

*                           IDETAIL is optional.




B0       0     0      0      0     


*B1 Line       :

*             NDT     :  Number of time steps.

*             NINPUT  :  Number of non-conduit elements with data input of

*                        hydrographs and pollutographs on data group R1.

*             NNYN    :  Number of elements with input hydrograph and

*                        pollutograph printout(s).

*             NNPE    :  Number of elements with routed hydrograph and

*                        pollutograph printout(s).

*             NOUTS   :  Number of elements with routed hydrographs and

*                        pollutographs to be placed on the interface file.

*             NPRINT  :  = 0, Suppress most error messages (recommended).

*                        = 1, Print up to 100 error messages.

*             NPOLL   :  Number of water quality constituents (Maximum is

*                        limited by MQUAL parameter in TAPES.INC).

*                        Enter as a negative number to also output depth

*                        and velocity data to interface file for NOUTS

*                        elements.  Enter -999 to output depths and velocity

*                        data when quality is not simulated.  To analyze

*                        in STATS as total loads, divide results by TRANSPORT

*                        time step in seconds.

*             NITER   :  Number of iterations used in routing subroutine

*                        (default = 4).

*             IDATEZ  :  Starting date of storm; year/month/day.   19941001

*                        If year isn't 4 digits then assumed to be 1900.

*                        If interface file from upstream block is accessed

*                        (NCNTRL = 0) then starting date/time from

*                        preceding block will override starting date/time

*                        from B1/B2 lines *unless* a negative IDATEZ is

*                        entered.  If IDATEZ < 0 then B1/B2 starting 

*                        date/time will be used regardless of value on

*                        interface file (absolute value of IDATEZ will be

*                        used).  

*             METRIC  :  = 0  U.S. customary units.

*                        = 1  Metric units are used for input/output.

*             INTPRT  :  Print interval for input and output tables:

*                        = 0, print summary only,

*                        = 1, print every time step,

*                        > 1, print every INTPRT time steps.


* NDT = 6 days or 144 hrs/300 sec = 1728


B1  1728   0     1     4     2    0      4     4   19891001  0      10

*B1  1728   0     1     4     2    0      4     4   -19891003  0      10


*       B2 Line       :

*             DT      :  Time step size, seconds.

*             EPSIL   :  Allowable error for convergence (default = 0.0001).

*             DWDAYS  :  Total number of dry-weather days prior to

*                        simulation during which solids were not flushed

*                        from the sewer system.

*             TZERO   :  Starting time of storm in hours, may be

*                        superseded by interface file starting time.

*             GNU     :  Kinematic viscosity of water, ft2/sec [m2/sec].

*                        Used if SPG > 1.0 for constituents on line F1.

*             TRIBA   :  Total catchment area, acres [ha].



B2 300.0  0.0001  4.0    0.0  0.00001   165.42


*       B3 Line   :

*         NCNTRL  :  Input control.

*                    = 0 Input from preceding block using interface file.

*                    = 1 No input from interface file.

*                    Line input from data group R1 is optional for both

*                    cases.

*         NINFIL  :  Sewer infiltration inflows.

*                    = 0 Infiltration is not estimated.

*                    = 1 Infiltration is estimated using data groups K1 - K2.

*         NFILTH  :  Estimate dry-weather sewage inflow.

*                    = 0 Sewage inflows not estimated.

*                    = 1 Sewage inflows are estimated using data groups

*                        L1 - Q1.

*         NDESN   :  Hydraulic design routine.

*                    = 0 Hydraulic design routine is not used.

*                    = 1 Hydraulic design routine is used (conduits

*                        re-sized to pass maximum flow).



B3   0      1       1       0


*  B4 line contains monthly baseflow factors

*  This line is optional,  If not entered, then all factors equal 1.0

*  Many sets can be entered by repeating the B4 line.  The first set

*  is referred to as set 1, the second as set 2, etc.  If more than

*  one set is entered, then the set to use for each manhole is input

*  as the GEOM3 field on the E1 line.


*  The first input IBFF controls the flows multiplied by this factor.

*      IBFF  1   Only the constant inflows defined on the E1 lines (DIST)

*                for type 19 manholes are multiplied by the factors 

*                entered on the B4 lines.

*      IBFF  2   Only the base wastewater flow computed from inputs on

*                lines N1 through Q1 are multiplied by the factors 

*                entered on B4 lines.

*      IBFF  3   Both E1 constant inflows and base wastewater flows are 

*                multiplied by the factors entered on B4 lines.


*  The second input on the B4 line is the number of input values for 

*  this SET.  This is followed by the input factors.  Note that additional 

*  values can be wrapped onto following lines.  These following lines 

*  should NOT have a B4 as the initial value.  It is not necessary to 

*  have 12 values per line.  When a second (or third or fourth...) B4 

*  line is read, then the program reads these as the second SET or 

*  third SET... of monthly base flow values.


*  If 12 values are specified, the program assumes that the first value is

*  for January, the second February.. and the 12th values is used 

*  for December.


*  If a number other than 12 is used, the program assumes that the first 

*  value is for the first month in the simulation, the second is for 

*  the second month.  Note that the starting date of the storm is 

*  defined by IDATEZ on the B1 line (or as defined on the transfer file 

*  from RUNOFF???).  If the simulation starts on 960206, then the first 

*  value represents February of 1996, the second, March of 1996...  If 

*  the simulation duration extends past the number of months input, 

*  then the values are repeated.


*  As an example:



*  B4  1     12   1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0


*  and/or



*  B4   2     24 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0

*                1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

*  B4   3     36 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0

*                1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

*                1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0



*   'C' and 'D' data lines are for input of new flow routing data.


*       C1 Line   :

*         NKLASS  :  Number of user-defined sewer cross-sectional shapes.

*                    MUST BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 2.

*         KPRINT  :  Control for printing flow routing parameters for

*                    all shapes (about 600 lines).

*                    = 0 Suppress printing.

*                    = 1 Allow printing of user-supplied and program shapes.



C1    1      0


*     Name of user supplied conduit is supplied by line group D1.


*       First shape name                  Second shape name



*     There are two possible user-defined input shapes.

*     In this example only the data for shape 1 is entered since NKLASS = 1.


*     Number of DNORM values for shape 1  Number of DNORM values for shape 2

*     NN(17)                                         NN(18)

D2      51


*   Number of QNORM values for shape 1  Number of QNORM values for shape 2

*     MM(17)                                         MM(18)

D3      51


*   ALFMAX: Value of A/Afull corresponding to maximum Q/Qfull for shape 1

D4  0.96


*   PSIMAX: Maximum  Q/Qfull for shape 1

D5  1.08208


*   D6 line   :

*   AFACT     :  Factor used to determine full flow area for each shape.

*                Afull = AFACT * GEOM1


*   AFACT       AFACT

D6  0.7853982


*   D7 line   :

*   RFACT     :  Factor used to determine full flow hydraulic radius.

*                Rfull = RFACT * GEOM1



D7  0.25


*   DNORM data at 8 values per line


D8     0.0  0.05236 0.08369 0.11025 0.13423 0.15643 0.17755 0.19772

D8 0.21704  0.23581 0.25412 0.27194 0.28948 0.30653 0.32349 0.34017

D8 0.35666  0.37298 0.38915 0.40521 0.42117 0.43704 0.45284 0.46858

D8 0.48430  0.50000 0.51572 0.53146 0.54723 0.56305 0.57892 0.59487

D8 0.61093  0.62710 0.64342 0.65991 0.67659 0.69350 0.71068 0.72816

D8 0.74602  0.76424 0.78297 0.80235 0.82240 0.84353 0.86563 0.88970

D8 0.91444  0.94749 1.00000


*   QNORM data at 8 values per line


D9      0.0  0.00529 0.01432 0.02559 0.03859 0.05304 0.06877 0.08551

D9  0.10326  0.12195 0.14144 0.16162 0.18251 0.20410 0.22636 0.24918

D9  0.27246  0.29614 0.32027 0.34485 0.36989 0.39531 0.42105 0.44704

D9  0.47329  0.49980 0.52658 0.55354 0.58064 0.60777 0.63499 0.66232

D9  0.68995  0.71770 0.74538 0.77275 0.79979 0.82658 0.85320 0.87954

D9  0.90546  0.93095 0.95577 0.97976 1.00291 1.02443 1.04465 1.06135

D9  1.08208  1.07662 1.00000
