Transport E (Elements)
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*   Data line E1 describes the sewer element data.


*   E1 line   :

*     NOE     : Element number.  May be up to 9 digits long (or

*               8-character alphanumeric name when using $ANUM).

*     NUE(1)  : First  of three possible upstream elements (number or name).

*     NUE(2)  : Second of three possible upstream elements.

*     NUE(3)  : Third  of three possible upstream elements.

*  Note, when using alphanumeric names, use a blank in quotes ' ' to

*  denote no upstream element (not a zero in quotes).

*     NTYPE   : =  1 Circular pipe.                   = 14 Parabolic.

*               =  2 Rectangular.                     = 15 Power function.

*               =  3 Egg-shaped.                      = 16 Irregular.

*               =  4 Horseshoe.                       = 17 User supplied.

*               =  5 Gothic.                          = 18 User supplied.

*               =  6 Caternary.                       = 19 Manhole.

*               =  7 Semi-elliptic.                   = 20 Lift station.

*               =  8 Basket-handle.                   = 21 Flow divider.

*               =  9 Semi-circular.                   = 22 Storage unit.

*               = 10 Modified basket-handle.          = 23 Flow divider.

*               = 11 Rectangular, triangular bottom.  = 24 Flow divider.

*               = 12 Rectangular, round bottom.       = 25 Backwater element.

*               = 13 Trapezoidal.                     = 26 Tabular flow divid.

*                                                     = 27 Quality divider


*               The user should consult Tables 6-3 and 6-4 for

*               the meaning of the remaining conduit and non-conduit

*               variables on data group E1.

*               For the new (8/93) Type 26 Tabular Flow Divider, the only

*               information required on the E1 line is the usual element

*               number information and a value for GEOM3 = number of element

*               that receives the undiverted flow.  See explanation

*               of data groups G6 and G7 below.



*  W. Huber, Aug. 10, 2000


*  Note that the units for ROUGH (weir constant x weir length) should be

*  ft^1.5/sec [m^1.5/sec] for the weir exponent of 1.5 used in Transport.  

*  Formally,


*  ROUGH = 2/3 x Ce x SQRT(2 g) x length


*  where Ce = weir coefficient and g = gravitational acceleration.  


*  Metric units should be OK as of Aug. 10, 2000.

*  The weir-type flow divider works exactly as indicated on pp, 256-257

*  of the User's Manual, in which the depth over the weir is determined

*  as a linear function of the flow > DIST.  Weir flow is then calculated

*  as a function of this depth.  This causes the "undiverted flow" to be

*  greater than the value of DIST.  If this is OK, then use a Type 23 flow

*  divider.  IF NOT, YOU ARE URGED TO USE A TYPE 26 FLOW DIVIDER, in which

*  the user supplies a rating curve for diversion of flow.  For a Type 26

*  flow divider, Transport does not perform any hydraulic calculations at the

*  flow divider element and only uses the supplied rating curve.



*               The brief summary listed below describes general

*               conduit and manhole data.


*     The Default/Ratio option can be used for variables indicated with

*     an asterisk (*).  See explanation for Runoff Block group G1.


*     DIST*   : Element length for conduit (ft) [m], or constant

*               inflow (cfs) [cms] for a manhole.  Note: a small (e.g., tenths

*               of a cfs or hundredths of a cms), constant

*               inflow at the upstream end of Transport networks usually

*               avoids continuity error messages at the beginning of runs

*               while Transport is trying to initally fill pipes with water

*               from the inflow hydrographs.  

*               If a negative value is entered for DIST for a conduit, then

*               conduit flow will be assumed to be super critical (SC) at 

*               every time step. This supesedes internal check for SC flow

*               and essentially assumes normal flow at each time step. 

*     GEOM1*  : First characteristic dimension of the conduit, ft [m].

*     SLOPE*  : Invert slope of the conduit (percent or ft/100 ft).

*     ROUGH*  : Manning's roughness of conduit.

*     GEOM2*  : Second characteristic dimension of the conduit, ft [m].

*     BARREL  : Number of barrels for this conduit, integer, such as 1.0.

*               Cross section ID for natural channel cross section.

*               A negative value will stop the printout of the parabolic,

*               power function and natural channel dimensionless curves. But

*               must be a negative integer, such as -1.0. 

*     GEOM3   : Third characteristic dimension of the conduit, ft [m].

*               Equals exponent for power function channel (type 15), where

*               width = coef*depth^GEOM3. 

*     KGEOM   : Third characteristic dimension of the conduit if

*               alphanumeric elements are used.  Follows GEOM3 and is

*               required only when using $ANUM option.


*     Major Change!!

*     For type 19 manhole elements, the concentrations for up to four water

*     quality parameters being simulated were originally input on the GEOM1,

*     SLOPE, ROUGH and GEOM2 parameters.  These have now been moved to the

*     E1b line.

*     There is no-two character alphanumeric identifier for this line.

*     Simply follow each type 19 line with a second line with the

*     constant inflow concentrations for each of the NPOLL parameters being

*     simulated.  These concentrations should be entered only if constant

*     inflow (DIST) is not zero.



*     This new quality divider element type 27 allows the user to input 

*     the delivery ratio for each constituent being simulated.  The input 

*     fraction of the mass or concentration is delivered to the 

*     downstream element while the remainder is removed from the system.  

*     Inputs required are NOE, NUE1, NUE2, NUE3, NTYPE with remaining 

*     parameters not used but entered as zero.  This is followed by line

*     similar to the E1b line.  This line does not have a two character 

*     alphanumeric identifier, just NPOLL delivery ratios.  Enter 1.0 

*     to deliver all mass to down stream element, 0.5 to deliver 50% 

*     of the mass.




E1   3     0      0     0       19   10.0  0   0     0     0     0       0     ' '

         1.0  2.0 3.0 4.0

E1 100     3      0     0       17 900.0   5.0  0.10  0.02  0     1       0     ' '

E1 200   100      0     0       19   0      0   0     0     0     0       0     ' '

E1 300   200      0     0        1 900.0   5.0  0.10  0.02  0     1       0     ' '

E1 400   300      0     0       19   0      0   0     0     0     0       0     ' '

E1 500   400      0     0       26   0      0   0     0     0     0     550.    ' '

E1 550   500      0     0       19   0      0   0     0     0     0       0     ' '

E1 600   500      0     0       19   0      0   0     0     0     0       0     ' '


*        The E2 (NC), E3 (X1), and E4 (GR) data lines are for any type 16

*   conduit.  They follow as a group after all E1 lines have been entered.

*   The sequence for channels must be in the same order as the earlier

*   sequence of type-16 E1-lines.


*        Data groups E2, E3 and E4 correspond to HEC-2 lines NC,

*   X1 and GR.  HEC-2 input may be used directly if desired.  Lines

*   may be identified either by Transport identifiers (E2, E3, E4) or

*   HEC-2 identifiers (NC, X1, GR).


*        The E2 line is used to input natural channel roughness.

*   This is an optional data line that permanently modifies the Manning's

*   roughness coefficients (n) for the remaining natural channels.  This

*   data group may repeated for later channels.  It must be included for

*   the first natural channel modeled.


*   E2 or NC line :

*         XNL     : n for the left overbank.

*                   = 0.0  No change.

*                   > 0.0  New Manning's n.

*         XNR     : n for the right overbank.

*                   = 0.0  No change.

*                   > 0.0  New Manning's n.

*         XNCH    : n for the channel.

*                   = 0.0  No change.

*                   > 0.0  New Manning's n.

*                   Note:  XNCH is used to develop the normalized

*                          flow routing curves.


* E3 or X1 line : Cross Section Data. Required for each type 16

*                  conduit in earlier E1 data lines.

*     SECNO     : Cross section identification number.

*     NUMST     : Total number of stations on the following

*                 E4 (GR) data lines.  NUMST must be < 99.

*     STCHL     : The station of the left bank of the channel,

*                 ft [m].  Must be equal to one of the STA numbers

*                 on the E4 (GR) data lines.

*     STCHR     : The station of the right bank of the channel,

*                 ft [m].  Must be equal to one of the STA

*                 on the E4 (GR) data lines.

*     XLOBL     : Not required for Transport (enter 0.0).

*     XLOBR     : Not required for Transport (enter 0.0).

*     LEN       : Length of channel reach represented

*                 by this cross section, ft [m].

*     PXSECR    : Factor to modify the horizontal dimensions

*                 for a cross section.  The distances between

*                 adjacent E4 (GR) stations (STA) are multiplied by

*                 this factor to expand or narrow a cross section.

*                 The STA of the first E4 (GR) point remains the same.

*                 The factor can apply to a repeated cross section

*                 or a current one.  A factor of 1.1 will increase

*                 the horizontal distance between the E4 (GR) stations

*                 by 10 percent.  Enter 0.0 for no modification.

*    PSXECE     : Constant to be added (+ or -) to E4 (GR)

*                 elevation data on next E4 (GR) line.  Enter

*                 0.0 to use E4 (GR) values as entered.


* E4 or GR line : Cross Section Profile. Required for each type 16 conduit.

*     EL(1)     : Elevation of cross section at STA(1).  May be

*                 positive or negative, ft [m].

*     STA(1)    : Station of cross section 1, ft [m].

*     EL(2)     : Elevation of cross section at STA(2), ft [m].

*     STA(2)    : Station of cross section 2, ft [m].


*        Enter NUMST elevations and stations to describe the cross section.

*  Enter 5 pairs of elevations and stations per data line.  (Include group

*  identifier, E4 or GR, on each line.)  Stations should be in increasing

*  order progressing from left to right across the section.  Cross section

*  data are traditionally oriented looking downstream (HEC, 1982).
