Runoff D-F (Precip, RTK)
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*        Line D1 is the first rainfall control line.


*       D1 Line       :

*          ROPT       :  Precipitation input option.

*                        = 0, Read NRGAG hyetographs on E1, E2 and E3

*                        data groups.  (Rain data can be saved permanently

*                        on NSCRAT(1) using the @ function.)

*                        = 1, Read processed precipitation file on NSCRAT(1)

*                        file [not JIN!].  This file is either from the Rain

*                        Block (earlier saved JOUT file) or from a previous

*                        run of the Runoff Block (earlier saved NSCRAT(1)

*                        file).  Unless blocks are run as part of a single

*                        overall SWMM run, access to earlier saved files is

*                        through the @ function described at the beginning

*                        of this file.


*     ROPT

D1       0


*        Line E1 is the second rainfall control line.


*       E1 Line     :

*          KTYPE    :  Type of precipitation input.  Precipitation

*                      is in units of in./hr [mm/hr] for THISTO minutes or

*                      hours.  Use variable KTIME to select units of time.

*                      = 0, Read KINC precipitation values per line.

*                      = 1, Read KINC time and precipitation pairs per line.

*                      = 2, Read time and NRGAG precipitation values per line.

*          KINC     :  Number of precipitation values or time/precipitation

*                      pairs per line.  Enter any number if KTYPE = 2.

*          KPRINT   :  Print control for precipitation input.

*                      = 0, Print all precipitation input.

*                      = 1, Suppress all but summary of precipitation input.

*          KTHIS    :  Variable THISTO option.  Data input on E2 lines.

*                      = 0, precipitation interval (THISTO) is constant.

*                      = K, where K is the number of variable precipitation

*                           intervals entered on the E2 data group lines.

*                      Precipitation values outside the time frame

*                      of any variable rainfall interval uses THISTO

*                      as the precipitation interval.

*          KTIME    :  Precipitation time units.

*                      = 0, time in minutes.

*                      = 1, time in hours.

*          KPREP    :  Precipitation unit type.

*                      = 0, intensity, in./hr [mm/hr].

*                      = 1, total precipitation volume over

*                           the interval, in. [mm]

*          NHISTO   :  Number of data points for each hyetograph.

*          THISTO   :  Time interval between values (and duration of

*                      precipitation value), units of KTIME.

*          TZRAIN   :  Initial time of day of precipitation input, units

*                      of KTIME, or off-set time added to times entered

*                      in groups E2 and E3.  (If first time entered in

*                      groups E2 and/or E3 is 0.0, TZRAIN will ordinarily

*                      correspond to time of start of storm entered on

*                      group B1.)

*                      Caution.  When precipitation times are not included

*                      with rainfall values, TZERO will usually correspond

*                      to time of day of start of storm entered on line B1

*                      or else there is a danger that rainfall times may

*                      not overlap with simulation times and zero runoff

*                      will result.



E1  1    1     0      0     1     1     24     1.0    0.0


*       Line E2 lists the variable rainfall interval information.

*  Required only if KTHIS > 0.  Enter variable precipitation intervals,

*  for a total of KTHIS intervals.  Do not repeat the E2 line identifier

*  after the first line.  (Wrap around, leaving at least the first column

*  blank in each succeeding row.)  This data group is used

*  to interleave rainfall records of differing intervals, for example, a

*  period of 5 minute rainfall between periods of 15 minute rainfall.


*       E2 Line     :

*     WTHIS(1,1)    :  Start time for first variable precipitation

*                      interval.  Units of KTIME.

*     WTHIS(1,2)    :  End time for first variable precipitation

*                      interval.  Units of KTIME.

*     WTHIS(1,3)    :  Length of THISTO for the first precipitation

*                      interval.  Units of KTIME.

*           .                      .

*     WTHIS(KTHIS,1):  Start time for last variable precipitation

*                      interval.  Units of KTIME.

*     WTHIS(KTHIS,2):  End time for last variable precipitation

*                      interval.  Units of KTIME.

*     WTHIS(KTHIS,3):  Length of THISTO for the last precipitation

*                      interval.  Units of KTIME.


*      Use line E3 to input precipitation input.  Input is a function

*                  of the parameter KTYPE on data group E1.


*  Note:  If ISNOW = 1, snowfall during a time step may be entered as

*         a negative value.  Units are in. [mm] water equivalent/hr.


*                  Precipitation input if KTYPE = 0.


*          KINC precipitation values per line, up to NHISTO values.

*           Repeat group E3 for each hyetograph, up to NRGAG times.


*  Note, you must include the E3 identifier at the beginning of each

*  group of KINC rainfall entries.  An individual line of KINC entries

*  may be "wrapped around," but each new line of KINC entries must include

*  the E3 identifier.


*       E3 Line     :

*        RAIN(1)    :  Rainfall intensity, first interval, in./hr [mm/hr].

*          .                           .

*        RAIN(KINC) :  Rainfall intensity, last interval per line,

*                      in./hr [mm/hr].


*                  Precipitation input if KTYPE = 1.


*           Read KINC pairs per line, up to NHISTO values.

*       Repeat group E3 for each hyetograph, up to NRGAG times.


*       E3 Line     :

*     REIN(1)       :  Time of first precipitation.  Units of KTIME.

*     REIN(2)       :  Precipitation in./hr [mm/hr], for first interval.

*         .                           .

*     REIN(2*KINC-1):  Time of last precipitation.  Units of KTIME.

*     REIN(2*KINC)  :  Precipitation for last interval, in./hr [mm/hr].


*                  Precipitation input if KTYPE = 2.


*      Read NRGAG precipitation values per line.  Repeat NHISTO times.


*       E3 Line     :

*     REIN(1)       :  Time of precipitation.  Units of KTIME.

*     REIN(2)       :  Precipitation, first raingage, in./hr [mm/hr].

*         .                         .

*     REIN(NRGAG+1) :  Precipitation, last raingage, in./hr [mm/hr].




E3    0.0           0.5

E3    1.0           1.0

E3    2.0           0.2

E3   10.0           0.4

E3   11.0           0.2

E3   20.0           0.1

E3   21.0           0.2

E3   22.0           0.3

E3   23.0           0.1

E3   30.0           1.5

E3   40.0           0.2

E3   41.0           0.2

E3   42.0           0.2

E3   50.0           2.0

E3   60.0           0.5

E3   61.0           0.4

E3   63.0           0.2

E3   64.0           0.1

E3  120.0           0.2

E3  121.0           0.3

E3  122.0           0.4

E3  123.0           0.2

E3  124.0           0.1

E3  125.0           0.1


*   Use the F1 line to input evaporation data if IVAP >= 1 on group B1.


*       F1 Line    :

*   Note, units depend on value of IVAP.  This example is for IVAP = 1.

*          VAP(1)  :  Evaporation rate for month 1 (January)

*                     in./day [mm/day].

*            .                      .

*          VAP(12) :  Evaporation rate for month 12 (December)

*                     in./day [mm/day].



F1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1


*   Use the F1 and F2 lines to input evaporation data if

*                              IVAP = 3 on data group B1.


*    F1  line :

*                Only for IVAP = 3:

*    NVAP(1)  : Start year of evaporation data (4-digit integer)

*               If less than 4 digits are entered program assumes 1900.

*    NVAP(2)  : Number of months of evaporation data to be

*               entered (maximum = 600).  First month must be for January.

*                          NVAP(1)                              NVAP(2)

*F1                              80                                  120



* Line F2:  Read 12 monthly values per line to a maximum of 600 values.

*     JAN    FEB   MAR   APR   MAY   JUN   JUL   AUG   SEP   OCT  NOV  DEC

*F2   1.1    2.6   2.5   4.0   5.1   6.7   6.0   4.9   4.0   3.1  2.3  0.9

*F2   0.9    2.1   2.8   4.5   4.8   6.3   6.0   5.4   3.8   3.5  1.5  0.5

*F2   1.2    1.3   2.1   3.4   3.5   7.0   5.5   5.6   3.2   2.8  2.2  1.1

*F2   0.5    0.9   3.2   4.1   4.6   6.1   6.2   5.8   2.9   3.2  1.8  0.7

*F2   0.8    0.9   2.4   4.2   4.7   5.7   5.8   5.9   4.4   3.1  1.7  0.8

*F2   1.3    2.4   2.5   4.0   5.1   6.7   6.0   4.5   4.0   3.1  2.3  0.9

*F2   0.7    2.1   2.8   4.2   4.8   6.3   6.0   5.4   3.8   3.5  1.5  0.6

*F2   1.2    1.3   2.1   3.4   3.5   7.0   5.5   5.6   3.2   2.6  2.2  1.1

*F2   0.6    0.9   3.2   4.1   4.4   6.1   6.2   5.8   2.9   3.2  1.8  0.6

*F2   0.9    1.6   2.4   4.2   4.7   5.7   5.2   5.9   4.4   3.1  1.7  0.5


* Rainfall-Dependent Infiltration/Inflow (RDII or I/I) Data, Lines F3 and F4.

*              New, 9/4/93.  Chuck Moore

*              Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., Annandale, VA


*  These lines, plus H5 lines, define triangular unit hydrographs (UH)

*  to compute subcatchment I/I response from rainfall record on NSCRAT(1).

*  The response is computed before the time step simulation and stored on

*  NSCRAT(8) (required if this I/I procedure is used).

*  An initial abstraction of up to DSTORE in [mm] is subtracted from

*  rainfall before computing rainfall excess at each time step.  The

*  initial abstraction is regenerated during dry weather at a rate of

*  DREC in/day [mm/day].

*  Up to five sets of three triangular UHs may be input in the F4 lines.

*  Any subcatchment may use a fraction (defined on H5 lines) of flow

*  produced from each of three UHs selected from any of the up to

*  five sets input on the F4 lines.


*  The triangles are defined by TP = time to peak and K = ratio of recession

*  limb to TP, so that the time base = TP*(1+K).  Peak flow, Qp, is then

*  calculated in the program so that the volume (area) of the triangle =

*  1 cfs/ac-in or 1 cms/ha-mm.


*  Three triangles may be used (all starting at the same time) so that

*  one may define a fast response, one a delayed response, and one a

*  lengthy response, if desired.


*  The time step TSTEP (UH duration) must equal the rainfall time

*  step (THISTO).  Rainfall can be input on the E-lines as usual, or

*  rainfall already stored on NSCRAT(1) may be used, i.e., from prior

*  Runoff or Rain Block runs.

*  Time step TSTEP2 is the time step used for computation of the UH

*  response and should be an integer fraction of (or equal to) TSTEP.

*  TSTEP2 = WET time step in the Runoff Block is a good idea.

*  There is a limit of 300 UH points for a given rainfall increment.  An

*  error message is printed if this is exceeded, which can be caused by

*  too long a time base and too short a value of TSTEP2.

*  The RDII routine is designed to be compatible with the variable time

*  step used in the Runoff Block.  Values of I/I are linearly interpolated

*  from the file on NSCRAT(8) at each time during the simulation.


*  H5 lines may be entered only for desired subcatchments.

*  If quality is simulated, constant concentrations for I/I are entered

*  on data line J6.




*  Lines F3 and F4 are optional and may be omitted.


*   F3 Line : Line identifier

*   IIRDII  : = 0, compute new I/I response from rainfall and

*                  store on NSCRAT(8).

*             = 1, use I/I response already calculated during previous

*                  run.  (NSCRAT(8) must be defined on @-line)

*   TSTEP   : Time interval for rainfall, hr.  (Must equal value from

*             E-lines or from Rain Block.)  TSTEP is the duration of

*             each of the three UHs.

*   TSTEP2  : Time step for computation of I/I response, hr.  Must be

*             equal to or integer fraction of TSTEP.



F3  0         1.0                       0.25


*   Enter up to five F4 lines, with identifier.


*   F4 Line : Line identifier

*   NRDHYET : Number of hyetograph (rain gage) to use for these

*             triangular UHs.

*   RDIIT   : Time to peak of triangular UH, hr.

*   RDIIK   : Ratio of recession limb to time to peak.

*   DSTORE  : Maximum initial abstraction, to compute rainfall excess for

*             UH, in. [mm].

*   STORAGE : Initial storage (max = DSTORE), in. [mm].

*   DREC    : Recovery rate for storage (initial abstraction) during dry

*             time steps, in./day [mm/day].


*             IF NRDHYET is entered as a negative number, the values on the

*             first F4 card are for January.  The program then reads

*             11 additional F4 cards with only the parameters RDIIT, RDIIK,

*             DSTORE, STORAGE, and DREC for each month.  Storage is

*             used only for the first timestep.




*    RDIIT    DSTORE   DREC   etc.

* show input for monthly factors

F4 -1  1.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.5 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.9 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.9 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.3 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.5 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.2 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

F4    1.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   3.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    10.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

*  slower response

F4 1  2.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   4.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    15.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05

*  even slower response

F4 1  4.0  2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05   5.0 2.0 0.1 0.1 0.05    20.0 2.0 1.1 0.1 0.05
