Runoff Intro
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*         <<<<<<<<<  SWMM 4.4H  RUNOFF DATA FILE >>>>>>>>>


*  WCH, 2/20/01.  Changes to reflect overland flow routing otions

*     and new removal options in channel/pipe routing.

*     See files in for examples of overland flow options. 

*     This file includes examples for channel/pipe removals.

*     New option for no intermediate headers in printout, B2 line. 

*     See file 44ghchng.txt for other changes. 


*  WCH, 7/1/03. Fix groundwater H2-H4 sequencing problem and add

*     additional variables in time series GW output. 

*       11/15/04. Change in default for PZ on H1 line. 


*       This is an input data file to the SWMM 4.4 Runoff Block for

*       modeling watershed quantity and quality.  All lines with an

*       asterisk in column 1 are comment lines and are ignored

*       by the program.


*       Input data are free format and may be up to 230 columns wide.

*       You must have a value for every data column even if the program

*       will not actually use a given value.  A slash (/) may be used

*       to indicate that remaining fields should be filled with "no data

*       entry" or null-entry.  This almost always means those input

*       parameters will be zero.  (See example for data group L1.)  A very

*       common data input error is to accidentally omit required parameters

*       at the end of a data group.  There must be at least one space

*       (or comma) between every input value.


*       Caution!  Data lines that are "wrapped around" (continued on

*       two or more lines) should have a blank in column 1, unless a

*       card identifier is needed.


*       Alphanumeric data ($ANUM option) should be enclosed in single

*       quotes.  These include all references to subcatchment and

*       channel/pipe/inlet names.


*       In general, SWMM parameters with names that begin with the letters

*       I,J,K,L,M,N are integers (e.g., NSCRAT() ), following the usual

*       Fortran convention, and entered values must not include a

*       decimal point.


*       To avoid literary quotes being printed in output, use $NOQUOTE

*       after MM line.


*       SWMM uses both U.S. customary units and metric units.  The

*       examples use feet, cfs, acres, inches, inches/hour, and miles/hr.

*       If metric is specified substitute meters, cms, hectares,

*       millimeters, millimeters/hour, and km/hr.


*       The SW card sets up the interface files to be used or created.

*       There is one output file (#9) that will contain the time series

*       of flows and pollutant loads for subsequent blocks.


*  NBLOCK  JIN(1)  JOUT(1)

SW    1      0       9


*   The MM card opens the scratch files to be used by different subroutines.

*   Up to 9 scratch files are required by the Runoff Block.



MM   9       1         2          3        10         11        12       13

*         NSCRAT(8)  NSCRAT(9)

           14           15


*     The @ command is used to permanently save an interface or

*     scratch file.  This line should be placed before the first SWMM

*     block call.  The format of the @ command is as follows:


*Column 1    Unit number of the       Name of the interface

*            interface file saved     file (any valid DOS filename),

*            or utilized              including optional path.


*@             9                       'RUNOFF.DNT'


*Column 1

* $ANUM  ==> Use alphanumeric labels for subcatchment and channel/pipe


*            Names (IDs) must be enclosed in single quotes.  A maximum length

*            of 6 characters for a label is recommended.  Longer names (max

*            of 8 characters) may not print out correctly but will

*            be input OK.


*Column 1

* $NOQUOTE ==> Omit on-screen and printed literary quotations in SWMM output.


$RUNOFF      Call the RUNOFF block with a '$' in first column.
